07 June 2013

Girl Crush.

Assalamualaikum! Hello everybody! 

It's 1:50 in the morning right now. I cant sleep after a dose of McFly. They are just too adorable, I mean they are very good looking, I repeat, VERY and they are hilarious. Made me laugh in the middle of the night. I cant help it, they're too cute 😍 I'm so in love right now omg. Okay sorry thats a little bit too far from the topic. But too start of, I'm sorry if this post is long and so much blabbering and my english is a mess. 

So okay, the title would make you guys think I'm a lesbian. Ain't that right, mate? But no, I am not a lesbian. Allow me to repeat myself, ehem I AM NOT A LESBIAN. I am perfectly straight. I like boys, I mean I love boys but they won't love me back. lol okay only joking. Okay so basically, a straight girl having a crush on another straight girl is actually not a bad thing. You see, people always misunderstood this thing. A girl crush is actually a girl that you look up to, you think she's pretty, you want her body, you want her hair, you want her hijab collection, you love her fashion sense, you love her makeup things (i dont even know), you wanna be like her and there's time where you just wanna be her. I mean, I know most of my readers are girls, have you girls ever felt like that on a girl. If you did, we're in this together sister. Yep, I do have a girl crush. 

Now you see, girl crush isn't a bad thing. You just need to know the definition of a girl crush. Now, its all good isn't that right? girls, its okay to have just a little crush on a girl but keep in mind, don't be to obsessed to that person. Otherwise, other things might happen (eg: you turning into a lesbian, a tomboy so that you can date your girl crush. same thing) and you girl can't put the blame on me because YOU CAN NEVER EVER HAVE THAT KIND OF FEELINGS TO A GIRL. Dont be an idiot, silly. 

Yeah so I guess that is all for today. Oh and btw, our school holiday here in Malaysia is almost over, we only have 3 days left. So enjoy and cherish the freedom while you can. And finish your unfinished school holiday exercises that your teachers gave you! I haven't start a single thing yet. I'm a bad student. I'm sorry teacher. I had a great holiday this time even though 3/4 of my days spent on my computer, phone but still, its the holiday. Ain't that right, mate? See you guys later. Gbye and I need to go to bed now. cheerios!

06 June 2013

Times Square, 5 June

Assalamualaikum ^^
sorry for not updating so often. im so sorry, its just that, i don't know what to blog about lol. give me tags or request on my twitter maybe? its midnight right now and im so tired but thats alright, ill just update this, i guess? ok enough blabbering nashrah, and so 

today im so very happy because saya hangout dengan best friend saya, Munirah and Massyirah :D
bukan senang nak hangout dengan dak dak hot ni .... lol, harini an an an ramai pulak boyzzzz yang comel. lol masalahnya ramai boyzz boyzz tu muka dorang semua macam familiar je. To start of, dalam train, masyaAllah, tolonglah why is your eyes so beautiful. Munirah pulak ayayay, melting lak dia lol ~ okay lah, apa kata korang tengok gambar kami? jom ~

jejak permulaan kami.

masyi asal? acah syurawr lol

candid ke apa ni, garangnya saya hihi

MNM ^^

Massyirah Amira binti Mohd Kushairi

Siti Nur Nashrah binti Md Ghazali

Munirah binti Rosli

senyuman nanananananab lol k no.

Munirahhhhhh :D

gelak selepas mata saya dicucuk oleh jari munirah xD

Masyi laju harini hahahaha ~

Aduyai ... 

Mun kata i believe i can fly.

Masyi nak tiru Syura, Mun nak tiru Masyi. tapi, duadua tak jadi lololololol ~~

Masyi tanya saya " awak okay? " 

duadua acahacah syurasyura lolol

Munirah said Adios Amigos ~


okay, ni nak cerita ni macam mana muka suci tadi boleh ada make up setebal itu, tadi time tengah jalanjalan kat tingkat 3 TS tu, ada 3 orang student from beauty academy apa tah tak ingat, dorang minta tolong kitorang supaya jadi model untuk diorang. dalam masa 5 minit camtu, kitorang pun setuju lah, I mean, once in a lifetime punya opportunity kan? tu baru masyi tu, belum lagi saya and mun. okay. jom tengok. scroll, scroll. 

haaaaaa tengok betapa lawa nya munirah masyaAllah :o oh and btw yang baju purple tu makeup artist yang telah me-make up-kan kami.

ok, JANGAN GELAK! jangan tanya apa yang kat dahi saya tu, lol ok bagitau jelah, tu kening for my stage look kateko -.- oh pendeknya kau nashrah.

muka mun cantik, saya dah macam goth je ni, makeup yang over tadi dah takde yeay. 

we bought matching watches. our meow watch ~


dah nak balik yeay. gelak sopan kateko

lawanya budak niiiiii

dalam train nak balik dah 

Okay soo tu je gambar gambar nya :) tak semua lah kan, kalau semua saya upload kat sini muntah korang tengok lol. maaflah saya sangat tak appropriate, muka tah pape, aya caramba lol. apa pun, we had a great day. full of joy, laughters, tears and thank you guys for everything. Munirah and Massyirah so very pretty hahaha. okay i need to sleep already and thank you for reading and scrolling and looking at our pics. wow so many and. ok bye Assalamualaikum. ly guys!
